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The importance of socializing your puppy

Socialization is the process of learning to behave in a way that is acceptable to society. It also means feeling comfortable in a variety of different situations, spaces and scenarios.

It's important to be mindful of where you bring your pup before all vaccinations are complete but help them to meet 100 people and 100 dogs in the first 4 months that you have them. This is a critical period for socialization so expose them to people and dogs of all kinds! People with hats, strollers, canes or wheelchairs. Let them check out the lawn mower when it's stationary, or the jungle gym. Run the Vaccum around them, different sounds and different-looking items can all help the socialization process.

merle standard poodle, black standard poodle, cream standard poodle
Georgie's puppies meet Monroe

You can have them interact with people and dogs that you know well and whose dogs are up to date on all vaccines. Bringing them to pet-friendly stores like feed stores, hardware stores, out front of your grocery store, or sporting events can also be beneficial. Not every person has to touch them. Perhaps every 1 out of 10 people pet them. Let them experience things and become comfortable, by letting puppy come to new people or into scenarios on their terms, but ensure they use manners when greeting someone. Also be mindful that they do not chew, eat or drink anything that you did not give them. Lepto comes from drinking standing water like puddles and ponds. There may be training facilities in your area that also offer puppy socialization classes. They may be a safe option because they will usually have strict vaccination rules in place to ensure the health and safety of the pups that attend!

a black Goldendoodles meeting a mini donkey
Tillie meets a donkey

Whatever you do, don’t overdo it. Make sure they are having good meaningful interactions and that aren't being overstimulated etc. (Some signs of this are seeming withdrawn or acting hyper or nippy). Watch for signs of discomfort. If the puppy looks scared don't force the action, but don't coddle them or baby them.

The primary socialization period closes at 16 weeks so don't delay! Help your pup be the best they can be, well rounded and well adjusted. Just be smart about it to ensure their health!

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